G.A. vd. Hoorn
G.A. vd. Hoorn
Guys, I'm not ignoring this, just have a lot to do. If @BrettHemes is ok then I'm inclined to believe him. > I just checked this out and I can't...
Content suggestions: - creating a robot support package (can be skipped if using any of the existing ones) - creating a 'joint names' config file - creating a MoveIt configuration...
Triggered by: [Support Motoman Yaskawa gp-7 model](https://answers.ros.org/question/272045).
It would probably have been sufficient to just submit the PRs here. @fmauch could then rebase his branch and things would've worked out.
> I submitted the PR to the branch used by the official UR driver, which seems to carry more weight than this repo. I'm not sure I follow this. It's...
> so I have no confidence that https://github.com/ros-industrial/universal_robot/ is relevant anymore. Ok.
I've always thought the "best" way to deal with this would be to split out the kinematics plugins into packages. They could still depend on a shared package which provides...
> On a side note, I am aware that this issue is somehow related to #220 and #247. It sounds like your post is actually almost a duplicate.
> The issue as I understand it is if you want to directly link your code against the different `liburX_kin.so` libraries, since all of them contain symbols with equal names....
`CMakeLists.txt` and the `package.xml` appear to be in a `kuka_cybertech_kr16_r1610_support` directory according to github? And `roslaunch_test.xml` as well.