G.A. vd. Hoorn
G.A. vd. Hoorn
Thanks for the comment. I've discussed this a bit with @shaun-edwards. Personally, I think a short term solution could be to create a new ROS wiki macro that can pull...
Did some testing with Sphinx [here](http://gavanderhoorn.github.io/fanuc-doc-test). Work in progress, but I like it so far. Doesn't integrate with the ROS wiki, but I feel the advantages outweigh that disadvantage.
We can do that, but I first wanted to test out some things for myself, hence the test repository.
Wireshark capture by @asierfernandez (from ROS-Industrial google group posting). [motoman_simultaneus_trayectories.zip](https://github.com/ros-industrial/motoman/files/1498311/motoman_simultaneus_trayectories.zip)
Comment by @ted-miller on the ROS-Industrial mailing list: > From the capture, I see that the PC is sending trajectories for a single arm only. There are actually two different...
@asierfernandez: it would help if you could make your MoveIt configuration pkg available, and describe any modifications you made to any of the other packages. As @ted-miller writes, this could...
@asierfernandez wrote: > Does this description help? it does, but we're still going to need more information on how you configured things. As @ted-miller also wrote: the robot state and...
@asierfernandez wrote: > If we send a action goal to left server, the left arms moves, and if we send a goal to right server, the right arms moves. The...
I'll take a look tomorrow. Could well be that I'm misremembering and we only had the combined JTA in a private fork.
Good to hear that you got it to work. We should probably track the ~300ms delay between accepting two goals on the namespaced JTAs, as it should not be needed.