Jonas Galvez

Results 82 comments of Jonas Galvez

Interesting, will see what can be done about this. This is a rather specific use case, I'd personally never use esbuild to bundle Fastify server code, that is, I'd use...

Ah, gotcha — maybe we should also look into

@IlyaSemenov JSYK at least part of these issues have been resolved in v3 — I'll look closely later. Keeping open.

Thank you for this report -- this should be fixed in the next release. Keeping this issue open for tracking.

> How we can use the ssr-manifest to find the bundles used in the current render path (i.e. how do we know the moduleIds, especially when rendering React?) Indeed, that...

> We're able to do this because Webpack is smart enough to know what a shared chunk is, and what isn't. This is exactly how Vite behaves as well. >...

Thank you! I'm working to resolve Fastify v3/v4 compatibility issues now — next release for both dx-react and dx-vue should be updated to Fastify v4, but I'm investigating how costly...

For now, if you want to play with it, lock Fastify to v3 in package.json.

Thanks! This can only be merged once fastify-vite is updated as well. I'm thinking of keeping fastify-vite@v3 and fastify-vite@v4.

@micheleriva We also have a prototype for a CLI (the `dx` CLI) that automates setting up a vanilla server. I'll revisit it once I've wrapped work on the actual framework...