Jonas Galvez

Results 82 comments of Jonas Galvez

@pimlie I tried using `@nuxt/http` only but it seems not available in generate-built plugins. It was a weird issue indeed. So now it's using `@nuxt/http` for SSR/SPA and static JSON...

I'm actually debugging generate now, it seems to have broken a little after the blueprints PR.

@httplib2/maintainers I'll be taking on this.

@rkhwaja I'm tagging this as an `enhancement` for now since it's an edge case -- will revisit when I'm done reviewing other open issues.

@httplib2/maintainers Does anyone know if this is still relevant?

@drmalex07 Just thought I'd ask if you managed to sort this out. Did you?

@drmalex07 Alright, reopened the issue -- I've added to my queue, going through a bunch of unresolved issues and pull requests. Should spend the next couple weeks doing my best...

Indeed it's in a good enough shape now for something like this to be tried on a larger scale. I'm happy to lead this effort, need some time to get...

Strange -- would have to look at a sample repository with your attempt.