Jonas Galvez

Results 82 comments of Jonas Galvez

Thanks @liamjgm -- since this is a breaking change I'll try and accommodate an alternate reading of the API. I'll keep this PR open until I do.

@liamjgm yes, indeed, I need to add a note about this to the README :)

@liamjgm actually, yamlful-nuxt automatically includes @nuxtjs/axios module.

@eejdoowad I can kickstart this effort if you'd like -- let me know if you're not just about done. If you are not, I'll fork and start working on it.

@pennjammin sounds like a kick ass idea, put something like this together and I'll add you directly as a contributor to the project :D Now... if you look at the...

@andrewdc I've started work on mixing +- operations in a cashflow group. I've also started work on basic variable support (assigning group results to variables and reusing). I think it...

@andrewdc check out the latest version online :)

@emirgorodov thanks, will look into it.

Pinging @jdalton -- if you can find the time, we'll collectively owe you a beer.