Jonas Galvez

Results 82 comments of Jonas Galvez

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@clarkdo amazing work, mate. The community owes you. Where's your sponsor/PayPal page? I'd like to buy you a beer or two.

@vjpr I'll try and take a look at this and #153 over the weekend. It's in my interest to keep the API for these cases solid.

Built to address issue raised in

In _NuxtPress_ (currently in development), I did a generic abstraction of this. Every source is identified by a full path. For every source, the engine automatically does a GET request...

I think this interpretation is somewhat dubious. In the Fetch standard, it says it should with a work a URL as per its definition, and its definition [includes fragments]( So...

Chrome's fetch() doesn't send #hash indeed. I think we can safely close this then.

@pimlie any idea why Netlify started failing with this?

@pimlie can you answer on the second point @shrpne raises?

Hey @menteora that looks like a bug to me, I'll look into it ASAP for the `beta.5` release early next week. Thanks for helping us test NuxtPress!