Kévin Combriat

Results 11 issues of Kévin Combriat

Is there any plan to bring the Indexed (Monads) to `bs-abstract`? It could be especially useful when state management is involved. I made a small gist [here](https://gist.github.com/gaku-sei/434d4de22dd66402728542cb9c3c7d35). I tried to...

Since the BuckleScript/ReScript rebranding we didn't get much information regarding ReasonML's future 😕 It seems a v4 is on its way (and from the look of it the new features...

The issue start occuring when refmt is used on "many" files (> 500): (Notice that I'm using the `bsrfmt` wrapper in the screenshot above). Tested on a mac pro, with...

There seems to be no way to use local abstract types when using [@react.component]: Defining a polymorphic local abstract type like this: ```reason [@react.component] let make: type a. (~value: Value.t(a))...


Hello @Zaid-Ajaj 😄 It seems the `useCallbackRef` hook uses `useLayoutEffect` under the hood: https://github.com/Zaid-Ajaj/Feliz/blob/4ec506747ca6baf155fed1d8c45d930e817887df/Feliz/React.fs#L393 But this leads to some issues with (Node.js based) server side rendering (you can see here...

## Target The idea of this pr is to generate gadt constructors with an index attribute when the field is of type array. This: ```reasonml module StateLenses = [%lenses type...

I got this weird error: Here is the breaking code: Notice that `elm make` compiles successfully.

As far as I know, infix operators are banned from the new syntax, but it seems operators declared in OCaml/old ReasonML can be used in the new syntax (I tried...

Running `yarn` or `yarn remove ...` will often throw an error, like here on Circle CI: ``` /home/circleci/workspace/node_modules/@dylanirlbeck/tailwind-ppx: Command failed. Exit code: 1 Command: node ./postinstall.js Arguments: Directory: /home/circleci/workspace/node_modules/@dylanirlbeck/tailwind-ppx Output:...

This Pull Request is not meant to be merged as is. I'm adapting the code base for BuckleScript ([here](https://github.com/gaku-sei/bs-lens)), and in the process i wanted to move from jbuilder to...