Kévin Combriat
Kévin Combriat
It seems that the theme has indeed been dropped https://github.com/rescript-lang/rescript-compiler/pull/4640 It really makes me feel that ReasonML and BuckleScript will not work together for a long time, it's really concerning...
>I just don't understand what is the motivation behind the removal of this theme, like it's being used by devs and I don't think it's breaking anything in their codebase...
I'm not sure that's the proper place to ask, but is there any plan to have the template strings working with unicode characters? As per the doc file [here](https://github.com/facebook/reason/pull/2599/files#diff-dc3d3959c851d8966ae38defc7f32be0R132), it...
Thank you guys for you replies. The above command (and the one submitted by @bloodyowl ) both give the same results. It's most of the time fast, around half a...
~The `{withIndexes}` option is not yet implemented, but the rest seems to be working as expected.~
Thank you very much @fakenickels. Notice that it's very wip and some things should probably change (like the way the array is updated in the setter). While writing the description...
Small update: I implemented the above, and dropped the `ppx_tools` from the esy file for now (probably better to add it in a different PR). It should be more or...
Sorry for the late reply, and thank you very much for your review @fakenickels When implementing this solution I was also considering some "refactor" but didn't want to change too...
Sorry @bobzhang if `#1` is accepted in the future and compiles to `1` can we keep `#"1"` to compile to `"1"` (even though I understand it's an escape hatch it's...
>There is currently no easy way to do this without a conversion; and it is a pain point for production users. Makes actually, absolutely makes sense. >What's your use case...