Gábor Vecsei

Results 23 issues of Gábor Vecsei


As I see the coloring is inconsistent. There are 2 problems: - Colors are not matching - VSCode has nice bright colors while NeoVim is more dimmer Neovim: VSCode: I...

Unfortunately the signature help popup is not readable when I am using the `onehalf` theme. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/18753533/94813988-03c64e80-03f9-11eb-8c89-d63067bd1af5.png)

Now, they send the weights to the server but this should be only the difference

This is just a question about whats in the title. - Why is the framework closing the positions automatically at the end of the simulation? - Is there any way...


### Expected Behavior We should have a flag for the `bt.plot()` function which would show the cash amount at our broker. E.g.: `bt.plot(plot_broker_cash=True)` Also, given this feature it would be...
