Gábor Vecsei

Results 23 issues of Gábor Vecsei

It would be great if we could manage multiple languages for our documentation There should be a sticky language "switcher" button on the header. And we could write the pages...

help wanted
status: needs discussion

I have "deployed" locally the metaflow service and now I would like to use a on-prem s3 storage for the artifacts. How should I configure it?

Add https://medium.com/docler-engineering

Steps to reproduce the error: - Docker image is built with: `python perfzero/lib/setup.py --tensorflow_pip_spec=tensorflow==2.3.0` - Start image with: `docker run -it --gpus all --rm -v $(pwd):/workspace perfzero/tensorflow bash` - When...

**Problem** I have deployed a metaflow service with the `dev` `docker-compose` and I extended the the environment variables with the ones which is needed to configure `metaflow`. As I saw...

I tried to train a simple model with your code, but unfortunately I get the following error when I try to train: ``` InvalidArgumentError (see above for traceback): assertion failed:...


Hi, I tried to train on the included dataset. (Code is from the MaskRCNN repo, I just created the `load_bbox` function.) The problem is that in training time my losses...

I encountered a problem, that for certain days, there is missing prepost data while setting the `prepost=True` parameter. **Reproduction** ```python stock_df = yfinance.Ticker("PLNT").history(period="300d", interval="1h", prepost=True) no_prepost = stock_df[(stock_df.index > "2021-01-13")...

yf prices

This package should not depend on the kerassurgeon package as only the channel delete function is used
