Gábor Vecsei

Results 19 comments of Gábor Vecsei

Also this looks off: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/18753533/94828463-ca4a0f00-0409-11eb-8b4d-d68c40dd0562.png)

With #11 this is implemented in the `FedAvg` class. Another client implementation is needed as this difference calculation should happen in the client.

> So the trades can produce some stats. See #183, [f77786e](https://github.com/kernc/backtesting.py/commit/f77786e5216f536f4eb50475c750cdd7d438502f). I understand that the unclosed trades wouldn't appearing in the final stats but that could be also a stat....

(I am not familiar with the codebase, I am a new user) > Since this is a sell order, why we need cash/margin? Actually I think we need "some" cash...

@kernc, just for the sake of my understanding: - When we are closing a position (selling), there is no commissions we need to pay? I understand that there is a...

- What can we do if the camera update is slow? E.g. it's like getting a picture every ~5-10 seconds. - Also when I open the camera, the stream is...

@valayDave I am deploying using the docker images and `docker-compose` ``` shell # Set up metaflow service git clone https://github.com/Netflix/metaflow-service.git && cd metaflow-service # Running docker-compose.development.yml (recommended during development): docker-compose...

@lindong28 I can look into the code and create a PR with the necessary changes

Same problem. If you set the batch size to `1` then it works. But a fix is needed.