Tobias Fuchs
Tobias Fuchs
As the STL has no equivalent, I defined the DASH graph concepts following the Boost Graph Library (BGL). In his Master thesis, @stiefn refined and extended concepts for several peculiarities...
As previously discussed in issue #280, DART should support user-specified alignment for allocation (also see
See PR #634
Everyone (yes, you @dash-project/developers): - Read the DASH API at - Complete it.
From #107: The current interface of `dash::Matrix` / `dash::NArray` has some ambiguities and does not comply to formal semantics of the NArray concept. - use NArray specification to document semantics...
Addresses issues #272 #104 #216
Addresses #346, among others. A diff that demonstrates the benefit of view expressions pretty well: With view expressions, `dash::copy(lbegin, lend, gbegin)` is now supported and also allows non-contiguous global destination...
- Proposed method to integrate dyloc into DASH build: \
Question on `dash::Atomic`: Why is the copy constructor deleted, but assignment is not? - `operator=(T)` is deleted - `operator=(const self_t &)` is implicitly defaulted That can't be right When I...
From issue #3: Consider the following use cases: ~~~c++ // assuming row-major storage dash::Matrix matrix(...); auto lcol = matrix.local.col(0); auto lrow = matrix.local.row(0); auto n_lcol = std::distance(lcol.begin(), lcol.end()); auto n_lrow...