Gray Olson

Results 71 comments of Gray Olson

Not sure why this is failing on nightly tho

I think the point is for codecov bots to not mark the anonymous functions used for the static assertions as uncovered, I guess. But in addition to what Lok said,...

Hey thanks for this. You're absolutely right; I'll try to update this soon, or if you make a PR I'd be happy to merge it :)

Yeah I remember noticing this when I was actually using it too but I'm not sure why it is

> (I'd love an answer to the latter question as well that's more satisfying than "here's this weird C example involving pointer comparisons and out-of-bounds accesses that doesn't seem comparable...

> I tried! I wrote a book on it! Two books! And documented the shit out of the standard library! And wrote tons of articles explaining the design of the...

I've narrowed this down to being caused by some kind of incompatibility with `parking_lot`. If I use `std` `Mutex`es instead of `parking_lot` ones, then I don't get this error.

Something Rust-book style like [dyon has]( maybe?

Agree fully with both of you I think

Isn't this something that should be/is handled by the OS/graphics driver and not the application itself? I'm not super familiar with this low level stuff or the Optimus/equivalent AMD deal...