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A prototypical .NET solution (file system layout and tooling), recommended for F# projects

Results 64 ProjectScaffold issues
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I think the ProjectScaffold follows a pattern usual in all F# projects - it started with two fairly simple script files (generating documentation and FAKE build script) that keep growing...

When from the initial project scaffold setup, you clear the release notes file (because it contains project scaffold release notes), and you run `build.cmd`, this results in the following error:...

Site template should provide an easy way to like/share page to social networks like twitter, fb and etc.


After trying the fix in #156, which got me past the error described there, I ran into this: ``` Missing method FSharp.MetadataFormat.AssemblyGroup::get_Namespaces() in assembly /home/liam/Code/fsharp/ProjectScaffold/packages/FSharp.Formatting/lib/net40/FSharp.MetadataFormat.dll, referenced in assembly data-0x48030d0 System.MissingMethodException:...

After months I've just tried to get ProjectScaffold running again. I'm stuck in the release process: My Release target doesn't work. Works: `Git.Commit.Commit "" (sprintf "Version %s" release.NugetVersion)` Works not:...

Given all the new features that've been added, there are several requests in the community for a better description of how to use Scaffold. Ideally, this should be done using...

I cloned this repo, `cd`ed into the cloned directory and executed `./`. It then fails in the `GenerateHelp`-Target with the following output: ``` Starting Target: GenerateHelp (==> CleanDocs) /home/delexi/code/ProjectScaffold/docs/content/ does...

The CopyBinaries target was introduced in pull request #116 and copies all data from each project's `bin/Release/` folder into the bin folder. A web application project does only have a...


Getting stack overflows today when generating documentation. Seems it was introduces when you moved to using FSharp.Core as a nuget package. Clean checkout for 2a87478f5121930f4fec9b9ca1846fc117a5058e seems to work. Clean checkout...

I just tried using ProjectScaffold on a new project and `build Release` (auto-generated with no changes) fails - I suspect this is in the "release to github" stage of the...
