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A prototypical .NET solution (file system layout and tooling), recommended for F# projects

Results 64 ProjectScaffold issues
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newest added contains `index`, surely this is incorrect.

Update the docs to note that you need to have either a global or local installation of FAKE, to run the generated build scripts. Also, update links to FAKE to...

Update the paket bootstrapper to a version that supports TLS 1.2 (i.e. can connect to GitHub).

@jackfoxy I was seeing a weird issue in bash where `fake build $@` was failing when no arguments were being passed. I changed the script conditionally call that if there...

I'm looking to clean the repo of unnecessary branches; Please let me know if any of these branches are still useful. Better yet, submit a PR if they are. Otherwise,...

Recently we changed the scaffold to use a different workflow for docs output. Earlier we committed the docs into `gh-pages` brach so that github would display it from there. Now...


By default, the license is [Unlicense]( I want to select it from some licenses(ex. GPL, MIT, CC0, ...).

### Description packages\build\FAKE\tools\FAKE.exe is deleted when running `build.cmd clean` ### Repro steps Please provide the steps required to reproduce the problem 1. Clone ProjectScaffold 2. Run build.cmd 3. Run build.cmd...

### Description Implement support for (free service for collecting test coverage results). ### Related information is a free service that integrates with Github, and it provides a way...