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A prototypical .NET solution (file system layout and tooling), recommended for F# projects

Results 64 ProjectScaffold issues
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I was trying to test projectscaffold template (quite out-of-the-box), and `build Release` fails with: ``` Paket failed with: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\git\MyTest\temp\gh-pages\src\MyTest\bin\Release\MyTest.dll'. Running build failed....

### Description Scaffold fails if git.exe is not in %PATH% ### Repro steps Use a machine without git.exe in %PATH%. I use the VS Plugin plus github for Windows, but...


Hi, all! Maybe answer will be obvious, but I can't understand why in the target `Build` in the file `build.template`, used task `Rebuild` instead `Build` for build solution (project). As...

@tpetricek taught me the reason and there's no documents about it [on twitter]( I think we need to provide the way to enable it (or at least add description to...

It would be nice if `promptFor` would provide some defaults based the users git configuration: → git config --get Juergen Hoetzel → git config --get [email protected] so you...

I installed paket from nuget with: > Install-Package paket I then tried to run `paket convert-from-nuget`. It stalled out on a user prompt (it wouldn't let me type into the...

When run the target AssemblyInfo, the generated AssemblyInfo.fs/cs files contain a BOM header when using Mono on Ubuntu. On Windows, does not observe the same behavior. Any idea?

Most of build scripts in our projects contain the same targets and differ only in constant values generated during `init.fsx` phase If we move all project specific configs to separate...


I found this while updating my paket dependencies in my project [FReD]( and I am able to reproduce in a newly created project. I haven't tested on Windows yet and...

Would be nice to see NUnit test results in AppVeyor Tests tab, like here