Martin Giger

Results 73 comments of Martin Giger

Yeah, I experience it often too, however I am convinced that it is not sleep related, but instead is related to mis-calculating the next request time and thus the update...

Fully agreed. Especially in combination with some ui for requested reviews. (On mobile, can't reference the issue easily)

Currently not. I'd have to rewrite styles from scratch and at least look into using the polyfill for the promise based APIs.

I am using promise based extension APIs that chrome does not have, but there is a polyfill for that.

Kind of related to this: it'd be nice if you could run an entire `.sql` file from Sequeler.

The client also can't follow the link properly and instead tries to download it and open it locally?

Problem here is the UDP socket opened in that is never fully closed.

Doing `;` after stop seems to fix the issue for me. adds a different property for that, maybe that's what iCalendar uses?

Just had this for -> and -> and -> And I'd expect more to come with this webpack update consistently missing the lockfile so...