Martin Giger

Results 73 comments of Martin Giger

Ah, I'm sorry, I think I formulated this ambiguously. I wasn't asking you to implement it, but if you would want to use this like alongside a footer action or...

Test should run nyc with it, so there really shouldn't be any setup. I wonder if this is due to it behaving differently on OS X or something. Haven't touched...

Looking closer it seems like there are issues with jsdom or maybe the instrumenter in a way that the test process doesn't receive the full source code. I can't reproduce...

The extension should not be running while your device is in sleep mode. Even if it is, on Mac OS and Windows it will not fetch updates as long as...

Next time this happens, could you check the [Browser Console]( for errors and enable XHR logging to see if the polling is still working (it should be polling ``).

Actually, I think I know how this is happening: updates are scheduled to exact time, since GitHub requires me to follow the polling interval they send in a header. However...

Was recommended to use for this.

It has been brought to my attention that this is actually confirmed a Firefox Platform bug. No reason not to work around it for now though. See

Hmm, just tried to reproduce this on a Linux machine and didn't have any success. I'll try on Windows when I get a chance. Though that does sound like a...

I can't reproduce on Windows 10 either. I tried both, sleeping longer than the interval of the polling and shorter and in neither case the polling stopped.