Martin Giger

Results 88 issues of Martin Giger

With classes you can also define your `propTypes` on a static getter property, which this plugin doesn't seem to be able to remove currently. Example: ```js class MyComponent extends React.Component...


[Element in nexcloud]( by default is loaded inside an iframe within nextcloud. Enabling radical native there will break element, so it never loads. Opening just element in its own tab...

`Object.freeze({})` or `Object.values({})` assigned to a module global triggers "Cannot determine side-effects of calling member function", while the rule should know, that these methods themselves don't have any side effects...

When only some of the accounts have an issue with auth we show no information to the user. The panel should show information that something is up with the account...


Footer should be sticky.


Currently the fixed-width popup is a mess depending on its contents. The extension should work-around the browser styles not handling that for now.


> Also, Mark all as read does not work for GitLab notifications. Only the github notifications get cleared.


Currently, the mark all as read button in the popup will always mark all notifications as read. It should only apply to the currently displayed notifications, so potentially just a...


GitHub added a feature to save notifications for later. The extension should both support saving notifications for later and viewing or going to notifications saved for alter.


Currently the extension only knows how to scroll to the oldest unread comment on issues. However there are also commits (and maybe other things I'm forgetting) that have comments that...
