Justin Reynard

Results 48 comments of Justin Reynard

Hey guys, it's been a year. Is it time to update this yet? I'd be willing to do a PR where stuff like `cdr` would render the ES6 version and...

(It's been 3 years now) @orktes Are you interested in letting me take over this project? I'm a big fan and I'd like to see it continue.

@fonziemedia I just assumed people have moved onto vs code, but I am still using this plugin. It appears to be updated for critical patches still?

@fonziemedia We could probably petition to take ownership. I know NPM allows that for dead projects. @orktes are you still around? maintaining? Interested in some help?

Yeah, the name just shows as the phone number. Is this an API restriction?

I'm looking for any feedback on this (maybe it got handled elsewhere?). Since hooks are a big part of my workflow I need to use the eslint-plugin-react-hooks and need to...

@flippidippi I fear most of us have just moved on to other solutions, this project almost appears abandoned. But hopefully somebody proves me wrong! Big fan

@JJRcop were you running this on CI/CD by chance? I'm hitting this exact same bug right now when building my project via circleci. Wondering if so and if you added...