
Results 97 comments of floradanna

DataHub developed "batch sharing permission" for samples that have been: - created via Single Page - in a sample type that is linked to one study or to one assay...

Samples associated with ISA Assay behave inconsistently: some samples are shown as "Items not in ISA", some other samples are not shown at all. To be investigated.

Not for now

@pinarpink Is this issue still relevant?

good catch! @kdp-cloud why are they still called "templates" instead of "experiment sample templates"? ![Screenshot 2024-04-10 at 16 47 30](https://github.com/seek4science/seek/assets/51486716/582ef6f6-fdc7-4cb0-acdf-38857c35e10d)

For Study: both sources table and samples table will have the same sharing permission of the study.

In SEEK, being able to View/download a ST means being able to create samples in it. In DataHub, being able to View a Study/Assay should not give the rights to...

Do you suggest the following logic? Study/Assay sharing permissions --> associated ST sharing permissions - No access --> No access - View --> View/Download DT and samples (according to samples...

Something for community workers and developers to check, edit and agree upon: - [EpicID_6.9](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SZr4PGZGKbOFoIEUXdQFORlXWWMPa4ytrIDZ_e2dTbE/edit#gid=0) - [RAD_6_Epic ID: 6.9](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vuuvGqAO2mPlSa7-IDa57awcC86eMrlQ38FAy0zicro/edit#heading=h.6snd7l68qjbr) - [RAD_6_EpicID:6.5](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vuuvGqAO2mPlSa7-IDa57awcC86eMrlQ38FAy0zicro/edit#heading=h.u3jbo9p4b1dp)