This issue seems related to the topic "Ethics", one of the topic that has been selected by WP1 during the F2F meeting in Padova. [Google doc from WP1.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/17rmxCz4yiJZr4MztDfj9D1ZT7jZLYUbmmA4dZstyw5M/edit#heading=h.58yb4u5em02r)
- I looked at the suggestions given by the UX expert at BH2021 and I made a proposal (see below). - the entire tile (data life cycle, your tasks etc)...
> So if you clicked on "Your role" you would go to "Researcher", and if clicked on "Your Tasks" you would go to "Compliance monitoring & measurement" etc? > So...
Thanks for your input! For me, it is quite difficult to comment only on one aspect of the GUI because I believe that many things depend on other, that are...
@martin-nc I like a lot your suggestion (I can already see it!). It would also fit well we the decision to have "landing pages" for each sidebar sub-section (role, task...
In general, I agree with everything. Specifically, - A better way to convey the following message via the page title should be found: _The working areas of Data Stewards could...
Hi, thanks for proposing this important topic. Giving guidelines and best practices about costs for data management is quite a challenge since costs vary a lot depending on discipline, country,...
Hi @siirif, do you have any news about this page? If I can help with something, please let me know.
Sorry for the misunderstanding. I do like the idea and I think that it is a very important topic to be addressed in RDMkit. If you already have enough materials...
Great, thanks!