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Sample type sharing permission in DataHub
In DataHub, Sample types take the same sharing permission that the user assign to Study/Assay containing the Sample type.
- #1199 has to be developed first
For Study: both sources table and samples table will have the same sharing permission of the study.
In SEEK, being able to View/download a ST means being able to create samples in it.
In DataHub, being able to View a Study/Assay should not give the rights to create samples in the associated ST. However, it might be a necessary compromise to keep permissions linear. Therefore, a possible solution could be to set the sharing permission for the ST based on the sharing permission of the Study/Assay according to the following rules:
Study/Assay sharing permissions --> associated ST sharing permissions
- No access --> No access
- View --> View/Download: yes add row in DT, yes upload excel, yes download
- Edit --> Edit
- Manage --> Manage (TBD: should a user have managing rights over a ST in seek?)
One aspect to take into account is that allowing view
to add Samples to an Assay/Study will allow anyone with view
rights to add Samples to an Study/Assay, including users not related to the group of people working on that Study/Assay.
Maybe a more technical barrier to it is that Samples created through the DT are added to the Study/Assay, which requires higher rights than view
to the Assay (and likely to the Study). So, even if view
of ST would be enough for Sample creation, it might still not be enough to add those Samples to the Study/Assay. In this view, rights higher than view
would be necessary to a ST so that the user can add rows and Samples to a DT.
Do you suggest the following logic?
Study/Assay sharing permissions --> associated ST sharing permissions
- No access --> No access
- View --> View/Download DT and samples (according to samples permissions)
- Edit --> Edit ST; Samples: yes samples creation by adding row in DT, yes upload excel to create/update samples (according to samples permissions)
- Manage --> Manage (TBD: should a user have managing rights over a ST in seek?)
Something for community workers and developers to check, edit and agree upon: