I am not sure it is the same ontology that is used in Sample_type but, if it is, can **root term description** be saved as well? It should be used...
@rabuono something to figure out
If I remember correctly, `pid` in `sample_attributes` table is not the seek_id of the attribute, it is a free text attribute (for now) where users can indicate if an attribute...
I forgot that it gets validated. @vdkkia is `iri` in `template_attributes` also validated for being a valid IRI? I don't have strong preference for names, but I would prefer to...
They mean the exact same thing. Names and functionalities can be harmonised and aligned when you guys see fit.
I would suggest to keep Versioning information in the Overview tab, since version history is an important information about the asset itself, and not just a related or secondary info....
@OlgaKrebs This issue proposes to **move the version listing into a separate tab** like it has been done for "related items". What's your opinion?
Having the CV as dropdown in Excel used to work, so I guess this is a bug (something broke). I would say that this is a rather urgent issue.
@OlgaKrebs I have just tried to download a sample type (from FAIRDOMHub) and I actually see the CV in excel. Is it still not working for you? Could you please...
I don't have access to the linked google doc, but I would be in favour of writing down a well thought-through SOP on how to handle deletion of items. We...