I've seen this discussion https://github.com/phpstan/phpdoc-parser/issues/6 is there alread a solution for multiline annotations e.g. for `@return` or `@var`, `@param` annotations? i',m starting to reach the max line usage when the...
Hi! feature request and suggestions: untested, not installed yet because: i would like to have it in my package manger befor i go inside to find out how to get...
hi. see the test script of the changes [Files changed](https://github.com/tiamo/spss/pull/66/files). commented solution for real float tests. something went wrong since ~ c5ce42c same code base but different coding style AND...
Hi! And thank you you exist! :) Now i have to request if there is a possibility to ignore files beeing scaned which are symlinked to project paths. Kind regards
Hi The good: The addon works really good. Thank you that passwords still in sync but: When changing the OS without /home (i386 to amd64) all passwords seems to be...