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cool! this is what im looking for.... but
Hi! feature request and suggestions: untested, not installed yet because: i would like to have it in my package manger befor i go inside to find out how to get it working.. e.g: packages for debian would be perfect to get it and would result in ubuntu and also all other forks of debian :) Beause: Any custom installation will stay custom and has a limited lifetime :( Too complicated and often not wanted the whole dependencies and files which are required.
As addition: I like gitstats but there are other tools also around like the ruby stuff from which is also cool but: without time metrics hmmm :) Kind regards Florian
Thanks for the feedback. It's on our list to distribute packages for the popular Linux distros. One option is to use LinuxBrew for installation which is documented in the README.
To install manually on Linux, we have binary releases you can download from the Github release page. Just drop it into /usr/local/bin. If you don't like it, delete it for the uninstall.