Klaus Native
Klaus Native
Same here. With IntelliJ 2020.2 (202.6397.94) on Windows, this plugin does not work since connection is not saved. **Update**: My fault - it seems one really need to select a...
+1!! i have exactly the same problem. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24572972/how-to-define-individual-flows-in-useminprepare-for-each-block-in-html-file
We are having the same issue. Is there any documentation which states that prettier-java is ready for Java 17+ ? We are having other issues with records as well.
@clementdessoude thx a lot! I will try v2 and let you know if there is still something breaking. Update: I checked it and it looks like there are no troubles...
@marcingrzejszczak Do you have a solution to this?
Sry, maybe I misunderstood something. I am coming from [this issue](https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues/38261) (Exceptions are not logged with span-id/trace-id with latest spring boot). There @bclozel mentioned this > "You can follow https://github.com/micrometer-metrics/micrometer/issues/3777...
> Hello What's the recommended action for getting rid of this warning? Same question here, this warning still comes with Java 21, spring boot 3.2.5 and spring-ws 4.0.10
is there already a plan when to release a new version with the fix? 0.4.4. still has spaces.