Faiz Halde
Faiz Halde
A message queue generally has varied types of task that come in. Some might take longer time while some can be instantaneous Having a global level lock timeout doesn't let...
Is there a better way to achieve the following? e..g assume I will get the following kinds of inputs ``` {:name "foo" :address {:postal 1111}} {:name "bar" :address {:postal nil}}...
I've been trying to use the Martian library for the following openapi spec https://docs.spot.io/api/ The regular bootstrap-openapi requires a HTTP endpoint to get the schema however there is no endpoint...
I have the following script ``` function read_lines(file) lines = {} for line in io.lines(file) do table.insert(lines, line); end return lines end requests = nil function setup(t) if not requests...
I was trying to use the `generate-schema-docs` cli in the following way `generate-schema-docs
Almost every usage of component in projects I've inherited got one important detail wrong about its usage e.g. Here's a trivial database component that usually gets created ``` (defrecord Database...
### Describe the bug We are trying to generate Java classes for the following CRD https://github.com/strimzi/strimzi-kafka-operator/blob/affc1968742a8ab1121d23a64c9247ca5c477a32/install/cluster-operator/041-Crd-kafkaconnect.yaml We set extraAnnotations configuration to generate the fluent builder pattern. Here is what we...
## Bug Report #### What did you do? We are not sure of the events that led to this. It started occurring suddenly. A restart has fixed it though but...
**What happened**: The file /var/run/secrets/eks.amazonaws.com/serviceaccount/token contained a malformed token of the form ``` 11:11:49.782386 40364 v3.go:79] EOF ``` **What you expected to happen**: The token should not have been malformed...