Faiz Halde
Faiz Halde
Please note, there is a bug in the spotinst openapi line number 67726. it needs to be an integer instead of string this was another major problem that took me...
no I don't and you may be right in that case :( any idea of the work involved to support it?
@giltene are you aware of this?
thanks, why would it work fine with the cli though which is also making use of sundrio?
actually, fabric8 6.11.0 is in the dependency tree
Hi @shawkins > but more than likely the user will want to fix having more than one definition of Status in the classpath I'm not sure what is this `Status`...
this is how the deps look like ``` [INFO] +- io.javaoperatorsdk:operator-framework:jar:4.8.2:compile [INFO] | +- io.javaoperatorsdk:operator-framework-core:jar:4.8.2:compile [INFO] | | \- io.fabric8:kubernetes-client:jar:6.11.0:compile . . . . [INFO] +- io.strimzi:api:jar:0.40.0:compile [INFO] | +-...
is it better to keep the fabric8 version consistent?
hmm, we definitely don't make use of any classloaders. is this some fabric8 internals? anyway here is what my fat jar contents look like ``` jar -tvf operator.jar | grep...
Hi @metacosm , we were running our operator with a single version of fabric8 for a few days and today this error came up once again here is what i...