component copied to clipboard
Provide an example explaining the ?essence? of the components idea
Almost every usage of component in projects I've inherited got one important detail wrong about its usage
Here's a trivial database component that usually gets created
(defrecord Database [host port connection]
(start [component]
(println ";; Starting database")
(let [conn (connect-to-database host port)]
(assoc component :connection conn)))
(stop [component]
(println ";; Stopping database")
(.close connection)
(assoc component :connection nil)))
And then, the entire codebase is littered with getting the :connection
key out of the Database component
(some-database-library/query (:connection db-comp) query)
This feels wrong. You can never mock components this way
IMO the intention of the component library was to do the following
(defrecord Database [host port connection]
(start [component]
(println ";; Starting database")
(let [conn (connect-to-database host port)]
(assoc component :connection conn)))
(stop [component]
(println ";; Stopping database")
(.close connection)
(assoc component :connection nil))
(query [this] ...))
Now the rest of the code does the following
(db/query db-comp)
The approach I mentioned can be an extreme one too i.e. now, I have to provide the same interface/api in proto/IDatabase
as the library/database that I'm building a component for