Federica Zoe Ricci
Federica Zoe Ricci
- [ ] communicate what percentage of grades are missing - [ ] communicate what percentage of grades have not been graded yet - [ ] add messages like 'almost...
Make a separate function to write the feedback files all together. This will require modifying push_to_github() to work for the case when something has been graded but a feedback doesn't...
Once RStudio becomes screen readable, we should return to this
Create function that produces a grading report out of the grading log with, e.g.: - Students whose assignment is missing - Question-level summaries: e.g. numerical summaries, plots - Assignment-level summaries
Check what happens if the assignment to grade involves 2 files, and there is one student who has submitted 1 of those file but not both
> Thanks, we see: > Found the following (possibly) invalid URLs: > URL: https://federicazoe.github.io/gradetools (moved to https://federicazoe.github.io/gradetools/) > From: DESCRIPTION > Status: 301 > Message: Moved Permanently > Please change...
`write_friendly_rubric(rubric_path, friendly_format = TRUE)` This could be a function that writes a simplified version of the rubric used for grading, with three columns: `question name`, `feedback`, `score`. When `friendly_format =...