Fabricio Chalub
Fabricio Chalub
I completely forgot the prototype! @arademaker didn't we try to put some intern to make that list dynamic or something? I think we should try to maybe retake that work....
@vcvpaiva AFAIK all PWN synsets have glosses. For example, if we use the Prolog output of PWN, and removing the duplicates in the Prolog generated we have 117659 entries. ```...
Looks like all individuals are wordsenses of adjectives created by derivationallyRelated. Looks like they have been created wrongly, but still are being referenced! See, for instance the containsWordSense properties in:...
nao ficou claro se isso e' portugues ou ingles; se for portugues por favor atualize a variavel _invalid-pt-morphosemantic-triples_ em https://github.com/own-pt/wordnet-editor/blob/master/morphosemantic-links.lisp . On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 4:32 PM, Alexandre...
Wow, good catch e isso e' um bug no WORDNET-EDITOR. Vou abrir la'.
Eu prefiro que lexical forms diferentes tenham words diferentes, ainda que a diferenca seja trivial.
SPARQL: ``` SPARQL select * { ?w a wn30:Word . ?w wn30:lexicalForm ?lf1 . ?w wn30:lexicalForm ?lf2 . filter (?lf1 != ?lf2) . } ``` Usar `
Bom pelo o numero de duplicatas e' da ordem de 100, o que permite ate' uma intervencao manual em ultimo caso.
Nao acho necessario fechar. Podemos verificar quando tivermos ciclos livres. Tem que gerar o relatorio novamente e comparar com a query SPARQL.
I'll give it a try at a patch -- likely a simple case change.