cl-unicode copied to clipboard
Cannot use cl-unicode on Allegro mlisp 10.0
Using mlisp 10.0 (patched up to Dec 2. 2016) and loading via quicklisp (patched up to 2016-10-31), I get this error:
cl-user(1): (ql:quickload :cl-unicode)
To load "cl-unicode":
Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "cl-unicode"
; While file-compiling #'"lists.lisp" in
; starting at file character position 141:
Error: Package "CL-UNICODE-NAMES" not found. [file position = 219]
[condition type: reader-error]
Restart actions (select using :continue):
0: retry the compilation of /home/fcbr/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/cl-unicode-0.1.5/lists.lisp
We don't currently support Allegro CL ourselves, so a patch that fixes the problem will be appreciated.
There's not much desire to support modern mode, though.
I'm not against modern mode additions, but I'm not going to put any work into that.
I'll give it a try at a patch -- likely a simple case change.