should be possible to do, either as a fragment or compute post shader. some useful info https://jntesteves.github.io/shadesofnoice/graphics/shaders/upscaling/2021/09/11/amd-fsr-demystified.html
they have their own line rendering, so we need to mixin into that https://github.com/TeamMetallurgy/Aquaculture/blob/release/src/main/java/com/teammetallurgy/aquaculture/client/renderer/entity/AquaBobberRenderer.java#L107 https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/aquaculture
Dynamic trees https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/dynamictrees does a raytrace to get the tree hit direction, that doesn't work in vr https://github.com/DynamicTreesTeam/DynamicTrees/blob/fc47c2569a6dd3b91e9769807849aa23a2b702fa/src/main/java/com/ferreusveritas/dynamictrees/blocks/branches/BranchBlock.java#L539
having a mod that uses satin, reduces performance heavily for example Paradise Lost: https://github.com/devs-immortal/Paradise-Lost this has likely to do with out render target changes. happens in VR and NONVR, since...
fixes #1026 adds a boolean expression parser. it might not be the best implementation, but it works from my testing. the parser uses 2 Stacks, one for operations andone for...
### What happened? since the color space option is added to sodium quality screen, it moves the mipmap levels slider offsrenn, since it already was on the screen edge. ###...
brings back old variable names and formatting adds parchment mappings (closes #189) adds mixin extras (not yet done completely) ads javadoc to most methods some of the other changes/fixes that...
kubejs has a custom post outline shader, that has the window size, and causesa viemewport change on clear, which happens between sky and terrain rendering. a solution would be to...
maybe I did something wrong here ``` [20:29:37] [Worker-Main-17/ERROR]: Exception thrown when building main menu world, falling back to old menu room. class malte0811.ferritecore.impl.FastMapEntryMap cannot be cast to class it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Reference2ObjectArrayMap...
little tiles crashes because of a redirect conflict, probably fixable with mixin extras ``` @Redirect conflict. Skipping littletiles.mixins.json:client.MinecraftMixin->@Redirect::isDestroying(Lnet/minecraft/client/multiplayer/MultiPlayerGameMode;)Z with priority 1000, already redirected by vivecraft.mixins.json:client_vr.MinecraftVRMixin->@Redirect::vivecraft$seatedCheck(Lnet/minecraft/client/multiplayer/MultiPlayerGameMode;)Z with priority 1000 ``` https://github.com/CreativeMD/LittleTiles/blob/3b191a2e52bf96e979cb0cb3f1766841b77630df/src/main/java/team/creative/littletiles/mixin/client/MinecraftMixin.java#L89-L92...