Fatih Arslan

Results 25 issues of Fatih Arslan

This PR moves the `gomodifytags` tool into its package to be imported by other applications (i.e.: `gopls`). It's currently deliberately put under `internal`, as I want to make sure it...

For more info see: https://github.com/stapelberg/expanderr For vim, integration see: https://github.com/stapelberg/expanderr/pull/3 I would like to see this is integrated into a new `ife` snippet which is then expanded automatically based on...


### What are you trying to do? I want to secure my Synology NAS (model: `DS920+`) via HTTPS endpoint. I'm using Synology DSM version: `DSM 7.0.1-42218 Update 3.` Synology allows...

L2 Few
P1 Nuisance
T0 New feature

Right now completor tries to complete even if you write a single character. There should be an option to limit the input pattern. Example options from other plugins: https://github.com/Shougo/deoplete.nvim/blob/master/doc/deoplete.txt#L648 https://github.com/Shougo/neocomplete.vim/blob/master/doc/neocomplete.txt#L290...

Upcoming 0.5 has many changes and also flag deprecations such as `--peers` which we are using. The following guide shows how clusterting is done in 0.5 and what is being...


Our kite handler only satisfies currently this interface: ``` go type Handler interface { ServeKite(*Request) (result interface{}, err error) } ``` This is sufficient to handle and call a method....


After fixing the fundamental changes we should use http://labix.org/gopkg.in for tag/branch based api and tag kite as 0.1.0 or 1.0.0 dependent on the situation.