Fatih Arslan

Results 40 comments of Fatih Arslan

> go: go.mod file not found in current directory or any parent directory. It looks like you're trying to add a dependency to a Go project where you didn't create...

Hi @itchyny this looks like something we can do. Let me think about this a little bit. Thank you for your feedback.

Yeah I'm fine with it. Feel free open a PR.

Can we close this feature. I really hate when a new window opens and I can't close it. It's annoying. Any settings for disabling it?

@nsf thanks for the tip, I didn't know that vim caused this problem :)

This is also needed for https://github.com/jstemmer/gotags . I've removed some parts locally in `CheckForExCtags` function and it works than. Is there any plan to support this? I think you don't...

Btw, while working on https://github.com/fatih/vim-go/pull/607 I also came to the same issue. The problem I've found was opening the location list twice. I had an `au` event which would open...

@lcd047 unfortunately i don't have any, I just wanted to share my thoughts about a situation that resembles the same problem I've encountered (combination of autocmd and therefore executing `lwindow`...

Hi @slessard If we expose these variables, they will become part of the library. I'm not sure I want to extend the API surface. How do you use it? I'm...