Jay Harris

Results 32 comments of Jay Harris

Interesting, the folder `~/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser-Development/jccpmjhflblpphnhgemhlllckflnipjn` exists but it's empty on my machine. I tested with a new profile and the same thing happened (`/tmp/bar/jccpmjhflblpphnhgemhlllckflnipjn` exists but is empty).

Also though, it happens on master, so I don't think it should block this PR :smile:

I suspect this is something to do with the filtering Calibre applies to the results after they come in (but I'm not sure). I'm not really working on this anymore...

That sounds pretty plausible to me - however, I don't spend much time on this anymore, so it might be a while till I get aroudn to it. If you...

+1, I'm pretty keen for this feature myself. Might be a little while because I'm working on landing a UI update first but I really want to get onto this...

Go for it @wolbek! This file `brave/browser/resources/settings/brave_overrides/settings_menu.js` is probably a good starting point :smile:

Yeah go for it! The spec for the line from our designers is: ```css width: 4px; height: 32px; background: linear-gradient(96.98deg, #E51D00 0%, #E5007B 78.13%); border-radius: 0px 2px 2px 0px; ```

I'm really sorry guys, I just realised there are two of you looking at this. @prasoonmhwr I'm going to look at @wolbek's PR, just because he asked if he could...

FWIW, I couldn't reproduce this on Version 1.45.64 Chromium: 106.0.5249.40 (Official Build) nightly (64-bit). Setting data-theme=light, data-theme=dark & data-theme=sepia all worked in Nightly. I tested with a light base theme...

Repro'd in 1.44.93 Chromium: 105.0.5195.136 (Official Build) beta (64-bit) (a semi recent Beta) - does something need an uplift?