Jay Harris

Results 31 comments of Jay Harris

@petemill @aurangzaib048 for your thoughts

I'm happy to work on this if we can get a UX mock together :smile:

Woohoo! New design looks great. All right, I'll try and jump on this later this week :smile:

Using a new version of clink (I'm running v1.1.48) you can run `clink installscripts path/to/clink-completions`

**Note:** SonarCloud check is failing for duplicated lines in a test data file (which is basically a JSON response). I think this is fine. **Note:** Android build is [actually passing](https://ci.brave.com/job/pr-brave-browser-bn-migrate-sources-android/),...

Hey @petemill, the SonarCloud check still seems to be failing :cry: I'm also not sure if the Android build failure is important - it says 30 tests failed but zero...

@bsclifton or @emerick would you mind reviewing the rewards client changes? I touched some `BUILD.gn` files to extract the `locale_helper_mock` into a separate source_set, so I could use it from...

@petemill could you take a look at `feed_controller.cc`. I updated it to use the V2 locale.

I've been looking into integrating with StoryBook, and while I have it working, I'm not too happy with the results. Using the values from the StoryBook is pretty straightforward (I...

@petemill, I feel like this is probably worth landing too :smile: