Results 12 issues of EVOKE

When I was trying to use the Tabs component in a hero layout while I was using `bulma-rtl.css` and I noticed a small problem with the `border-radius` of the tabs...


I'm just curious about Is this library ready for production use ? Are there any new up comming updates ?

This pull request addresses markdown standards and table layout issues identified during linting. Specifically, it fixes **[MD040](https://github.com/DavidAnson/markdownlint/blob/v0.32.1/doc/md040.md)** by adding language specifications to fenced code blocks and ensures **[MD022](https://github.com/DavidAnson/markdownlint/blob/v0.32.1/doc/md022.md)** compliance by...

I can't use this library with react in my nextjs application, i get the following error: **Code:** ```jsx import { IconAward } from "@tabler/icons"; ... ``` **Error:** ```Module not found:...


Feature request for changing the APP_URL while it's being generated with Laravel's built in `url()` helper at here [MagicLink.php#L76C7-L76C7](https://github.com/cesargb/laravel-magiclink/blob/master/src/MagicLink.php#L76C7-L76C7) I'll probably make a PR for it

Introduces a custom base URL attribute for the **MagicLink** model, enhancing flexibility in URL generation. This feature ensures the generated URLs have the correct format by automatically handling trailing slashes....


Fix grammar issue