Ed Snible

Results 37 issues of Ed Snible

A key Kubernetes library says https://github.com/kubernetes/apimachinery/blob/master/pkg/apis/meta/v1/time.go#L34 : ``` type Time struct { time.Time `protobuf:"-"` } ``` I suspect gogo/protobuf expected `""` not `"-"`, for this situation. See https://github.com/gogo/protobuf/blob/master/proto/properties.go#L368 and https://github.com/gogo/protobuf/blob/master/proto/properties.go#L207...

The following trace is difficult to comprehend in the Jaeger UI [raw_trace_json_2.json.zip](https://github.com/jaegertracing/jaeger-ui/files/7995972/raw_trace_json_2.json.zip) To reproduce, unzip the file and use the JSONfile option in the UI to open it. The trace...

When _skydive_ is run from within a container, the docker topology problem does not create the containers. I ran _skydive allinone_ from within a Docker container on Mac with `--volume...


I'd like to see proxy_get_buffer_status(), e.g. https://github.com/proxy-wasm/proxy-wasm-cpp-host/blob/92f02c0001592199d99f946cea34637ff095a8ba/include/proxy-wasm/wasm_api_impl.h#L147 Also proxy_get_header_map_size() , e.g. https://github.com/proxy-wasm/proxy-wasm-cpp-host/blob/92f02c0001592199d99f946cea34637ff095a8ba/include/proxy-wasm/wasm_api_impl.h#L192 I use these when debugging new extensions.

good first issue

I noticed a recent change added an enumeration to the FilterHeadersStatus return codes for `ContinueAndDontEndStream`. https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/blob/master/include/envoy/http/filter.h#L75 Envoy WASM doesn't yet have the change [ https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy-wasm/blob/master/include/envoy/http/filter.h ] The AssemblyScript runtime has...

This is a repeat of #2085 and #2674. TestGRPCResolverRoundRobin fails 100% of the time on my Mac (macOS Monterey 12.2.1) when run using `time go test -tags=memory_storage_integration ./pkg/discovery/...`. The test...


**Describe the bug** A V3 query fails and returns JSON describing an internal server error ```json { "error": { "grpcCode": 2, "httpCode": 500, "message": "search services failed: elastic: Error 400...


I had several hours of confusion and difficulty because on my test machine the Docker instances received a _/shared_ directory (holding _/shared/config_ etc) with permissions `rwxr-xr-x` but on a CircleCI...

Notice that https://github.com/observatorium/observatorium/blob/main/configuration/examples/dev/manifests/api-deployment.yaml#L43 has ```yaml - --traces.write.endpoint=observatorium-xyz-otel-collector:4317 - --grpc.listen= ``` Of the three examples, only _local_ has tracing enabled, yet all three examples supply now the flags to the API...

It is hard to check Jsonnet for new mistakes, because the existing Jsonnet does not please `make lint`.