Ed Snible

Results 37 issues of Ed Snible

undefined method `name=' for nil:NilClass To reproduce: Start Toaster. Go to http://:8080/scripts and click "Create new automation". Click "Add Parameter" then click "remove". Or click "save". Similar problem with an...

Note that @vadimeisenbergibm explained the problem is that I am specifying hostnames and not an IP block, and deploying with _kubectl_. I modified the Egress to use numeric CIDRs and...


(I am not sure if this request should apply to this repo, or https://github.com/jaegertracing/jaeger-operator , or both). I am trying the operator doc, https://www.jaegertracing.io/docs/1.23/operator/ , for the first time. Attempting...

ComponentService.GetAll() returns (p Page[Component], err error). The structure of client-go's `dtrack.Component` is not the same as what the API server returns (although it matches the API server OpenAPI spec.) The...

Observatorium-API refuses to start if IssuerURL is empty: https://github.com/observatorium/api/blob/main/authentication/oidc.go#L78 It would also be helpful if Observatorium-API failed to start without clientID or clientSecret. I spent about 20 minutes struggling because...

There is no way to log out of Observatorium. I propose a login/logout handler `/oidc/{tenant}/logout` to be added near https://github.com/observatorium/api/blob/main/authentication/oidc.go#L160 . A similar handler will also be needed for /openshift....

Observatorium-API requires TLS 1.3 which is not default on MacOS. In addition, the error message on Mac is a bit confusing: First, I ran `make test-interactive`. (Note that this test...