Ed Snible

Results 37 issues of Ed Snible

What I suspect is happening is that the output of pairs() stops being safe after the WasmData goes out of scope and its destructor calls `::free()`. To reproduce, add to...

The file README, [line 47](https://github.com/proxy-wasm/proxy-wasm-cpp-sdk/blame/master/README.md#L47) registers the example with no root_id parameter. I assume this picks up the default argument, `""`, but I couldn't get the example working without a...

When I first brought up Boatyard the web UI just showed 'Forbidden' To fix it I nsenter the container and did "chown -R www-data /app/html". It is unclear what is...

I spent some time today trying to understand why my code fails with the recent modernization. My change is related to switching out `frame` for `anypb.Any` in _handler.go_ at https://github.com/mwitkow/grpc-proxy/pull/52/files#diff-e803501e5fa26d41cd2723669bd3e5c3df2252d9e8004cc8f42dbada07f80802R115...


```golang director = func(ctx context.Context, fullMethodName string) (context.Context, *grpc.ClientConn, error) { md, _ := metadata.FromIncomingContext(ctx) outCtx = metadata.NewOutgoingContext(ctx, md.Copy()) // cc is probably intended to be the ClientConn? return outCtx,...

Enhancement idea: See https://github.com/istio/istio/issues/15633 I spent four hours before understanding the problem of missing `containerPort` on a Service. _istio-vet_ does not detect it.

This is not a bug, it is an enhancement request or question. I run Istio-vet against IBM Container service like this: ``` MYCLUSTER=... MYDC=dal13 docker run --rm -v ~/.bluemix/plugins/container-service/clusters/$MYCLUSTER/kube-config-$MYDC-$MYCLUSTER.yml:/root/.kube/config -v...

https://preliminary.istio.io/latest/docs/reference/config/analysis/ shows, but does not link to, IST0114-117 and 120-127. The text is not hyperlinked. The URLs are not included in the documentation, when `istioctl` supplies direct URLs to the...

### Requirement Multi tenancy ### Problem This issue discusses state of multi tenancy and the remaining work to complete multitenancy. With the work that has been done I can run...


I am using Kubernetes 1.22. kubesurveyor gives a traceback and ``` kubernetes.client.exceptions.ApiException: (404) Reason: Not Found ``` Fix: ```diff - v1betaExt = client.ExtensionsV1beta1Api() - ret = v1betaExt.list_namespaced_ingress(namespace=namespace) + ret =...