Esco Obong
Esco Obong
I think the selected items array is better off as an array of id values instead of objects with an "id" property. ``` // Selected items array [ { "id":... Traceur is an ES6 --> Today's JavaScript compiler created by Google. It has the approved and some proposed (not final) features of ES6 harmony. It offers the same benefit...
Traditionally "prettify" is used to describe a process that expands code. For example would transform this into what prettify:false does. ``` this["JST"]["test/fixtures/template.html"] = function(obj) {var __t, __p = '',...
Looking at the source code it seems like every time you call plivo.RestAPI it updates plivo.options. No new object is created. It always references the same plivo object internally. var...
By default the reconnect option value is set to 18000000 milliseconds (5hrs). Was this a typo for 1800000 (30 minutes)? I just ran into some issues today related to this...
It was a bit confusing at first to see the `lib` folder being used for the pre-transpiled source files. I think `src` is more appropriate and would avoid conflicts or...