Esco Obong
Esco Obong
I would recommend taking a look at [chai/should]( before going back to assert. I find writing tests to be much quicker with assertion libraries that provide a fast way to...
@dougwilson I haven't tested it in node 0.6 but it seems to support down to [node 0.4]( @jonathanong at least its a dev dependency :stuck_out_tongue:
@dougwilson good point. I wouldn't use it for any projects that must support node 0.6.
@dougwilson express-paginate is a fairly new project that I discovered at a meetup. They just added travis today, not sure why 0.8 support was dropped. It looks like chai dropped...
@dougwilson ha ha yeah they should update that. Looks like assert is your best option in terms of support.
Theres a retry delay of 30 seconds but after 5 failures it marks the server as dead and doesn't attempt to reconnect until after the reconnect delay. So as of...