Erik Wijmans

Results 141 comments of Erik Wijmans

I haven't tried torchscript for this repo and I have no idea how c++ extensions interact with torchscript. For `npoint`, you can try annotating as `Optional[int]` to see if that...

Please make sure your nvcc version is also CUDA 10.1. You can check with `nvcc --version`.

Yeah, things should work if you install at 10.0 version of pytorch or can get 10.1 compilation tools

The progress bars are here: There unfortunately isn't an option to turn them off currently.

"/bin/sh: 1: :/usr/local/cuda-10.1/bin/nvcc: not found" looks like pytorch can't find your cuda compiler

IIRC, this error happens when nvcc doesn't support the gcc version you are using.

Worth a shot -- I don't know the compatibilities for a given version of nvcc and looking it up is always really annoying (nvidia doesn't explicitly document that)

CUDA 8.0 is quite old, so I'd recommend upgrading it if you can. Otherwise, you'll have to downgrade to a previous version of pytorch (

Did you run `python install`? The `_ext` folder in the source tree only contains the c++/cuda needed to build the `_ext` module.

Besides the warning, the rest of it looks fine/is what I would expect, so I would take that warning fairly seriously. I am currently using g++ 5.4.0 to compile things,...