Erez Shinan

Results 356 comments of Erez Shinan

Can you please try again, but instead of ``` [database.test_redshift_source] schema="schema_one" ``` Write ``` [database.test_redshift_source] database="schema_one" ... [database.test_redshift_target] database="schema_one" ... ``` I know it's counter-intuitive, but I think that's the...

@pedrosmv Sorry for the delay. I tested this exact file with the latest data-diff version, and it connects to the database successfully. (says `Table 'table' does not exist`). Are you...

Currently not tested: - Oracle - BigQuery - Redshift - Trino

What are you using for the URI? It should be something like ``` bigquery://my-project-id/my-dataset-id ```

Can you please include more information? How are you running data-diff, and what's the full output + error traceback? It would be useful if you can run data-diff with `-d`...

Hi @johanjvrens , Athena is currently not considered a high priority, but we might implement it if the demand is high (please vote 👍🏼 for feature requests). However, contributions are...

Hi @niger-prequel , that's great to hear. To get started, read these: 1. 2. Also, ideally you would add Athena to `docker-compose.yml`, so that `docker-compose up athena` would...

How would you do it using the `psycopg2` library directly?