Erez Shinan

Results 356 comments of Erez Shinan

Hi @matthiasekundayo-eb , when I add `http_scheme=https` I get the following error in Python: ``` requests.exceptions.SSLError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=8080): Max retries exceeded with url: /v1/statement (Caused by SSLError(SSLEOFError(8, 'EOF occurred in...

Hi @matthiasekundayo-eb , the port helped, thanks! Now I'm getting `prestodb.exceptions.HttpError: error 401: b'Access Denied: Invalid credentials'` I don't really know why, but tomorrow I'll try to redo the process...

@matthiasekundayo-eb I got it working. I think maybe I missed putting 'localhost' as Common Name. Either way, I think it's ready to merge. I will try to do so later...

Merged. Thank you for your contribution, and sorry it took a while!

I can't reproduce your error. Version 8.0.30 works for me on both windows and linux. Can you please provide more details on this error? How are you using data-diff, and...

So you're saying mysql-connector-python v8.0.30 introduces a bug? Did you open an issue there? We can limit the version on our side, but I want to first make sure it's...

Hello! Yes, we originally intended to include MSSQL, and even wrote the code for it. But the md5 function ended up being way too slow (x100 slower than postgres iirc)....

Please vote by "reacting" on the post. That makes it easier to aggregate.

# Proposal for support for SQLServer The hash: We take each column, turn its normalized form into a hex string, and then take the 16 left-most digits, 16 right-most digits,...