Erez Shinan

Results 53 issues of Erez Shinan

I ran pip install better-exceptions-hook For both Python2 and Python3, and then ran the following file ( a = "hello" b = "world" assert a == b Here's the output:...

- Removed unnecessary string processing - Turned returned strings to be more smali-compliant - Added several utility methods

not ready

The existing cheatsheet is here: The design and format are somewhat lacking.

help wanted
good first issue

SlottedTree could be a slot-only class, thereby removing any need for an attribute dictionary, which takes up memory. However, by inheriting from Tree, it inherits the attribute dictionary, even if...


When using the InteractiveParser for things like backtracking, or checkpoint-parsing, it is necessary to make a copy of it. To do so, it makes a copy of `ParserState`, which in...


**Suggestion** Right now inlined rules (`_rule`) are inlined after parsing. It is sometimes desirable to have them inlined during grammar preprocessing, to reduce that amount of `REDUCE` actions (which are...

add to docs

For example, this page: Doesn't find this mention: (search for maybe_placeholders) --------------------- Also, partial search doesn't work. Searching for `maybe_` gives no results. @chsasank

help wanted

`%ignore` is the last domino before grammar composition is fully supported in Lark. We should be able to support it in both LALR and Earley. Robust grammar composition would be...


Can be signified with `$` Must be optional (grammars don't have to contain it to be correct) Need to make sure it works for both LALR and Earley, and with...
