Mike Ensing
Mike Ensing
in network.js, if CServerInterface.prototype.LeaveGameInstance() is called, and the ajax request is successful but the 'x-eresult' header is not set to '1' in the response, a copy-pasted error callback function will...
This means you effectively cannot switch planets manually, as you'll immediately auto-switch back. This would normally be low priority, as I don't think many people use the override often, but...
Not sure if this one should be added or not. It's super useful, but requires 'Google Places API Web Service' to be enabled in the user's Google API (Not having...
So while switching rooms pretty often, I noticed that even after joining a new room in another window, the previous room/window will still continue to run and update. Not sure...
Since most users likely won't have 100 uptime on using the script, should multiply the dps of active clicking upgrades by the projected 'uptime' % of the script. This way,...