You can check curl calls here https://github.com/subutai-io/gorjun/wiki/v1#kurjunresttemplatetag
1) - `curl -Ftags=1.0 -Ftoken=$TOKEN -Fid=982e3fc0-820f-48ee-a8c1-32254f80445a "$URL/template/tag"` - `curl -Ftags=1.1 -Ftoken=$TOKEN -Fid=2862aa2f-b10b-4368-84a9-e09f102f149e "$URL/template/tag"` - `curl -Ftags=2.0 -Ftoken=$TOKEN -Fid=ae7d01d7-61e5-45c1-b3ad-399f7488d66e "$URL/template/tag"` By the following links you can see tags. - https://devcdn.subut.ai:8338/kurjun/rest/template/info?id=982e3fc0-820f-48ee-a8c1-32254f80445a -...
By name and by version also not implemented, currently implemented only by name and id
It should be in devops repo. It needs change settings of nginx.
Duplicated https://github.com/subutai-io/cdn/issues/220
@etursunbaev can you write some details and proves? As I know we backup databases in prod CDN. Do we do backups of artifacts?
@etursunbaev can you report the current state of backups? Do we do backups of database and files?
After implementing this method, how clients of gorjun will upload to gorjun? I am wondering about clients of gorjun. How will you implement client side?
Which users should have private access for apt repo?
Please merge this PR